Shweta Tripathi is a fitness enthusiast. The actor keeps slaying fitness goals like a pro with snippets from her workout diaries on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. The actor swears by yoga, high intensity workouts and kickboxing. From her workouts with calithenic ropes to her yoga sessions, Shweta’s fitness routine is varied and repeated with health benefits. The actor keeps serving us with all kinds of fitness inspo with regular glimpses of her gym routine. Tridev Pandey, fitness trainer to several Bollywood celebrities, is known to train Shweta as well. The trainer keeps sharing glimpses of Shweta’s fitness routine on his Instagram profile. The videos are proof of the amount of hard work and dedication the actor puts into his routine.
ALSO READ: Shweta Tripathi kickstarts the week with an intense yoga routine. inside video
Tridev Pandey, a day back, shared a short video where Shweta can be seen taking up her midweek routine. The actor can be seen starting the cay with an intense session of pushups. Then she can be seen quickly moving on from strengthening her core strength to her leg muscles. In the video, Shweta can be seen balancing her one leg on a bench of sorts and performing Single Leg Jumps with the other leg. Then she can also be seen strengthening her upper body with an intense workout routine with the help of a stick. With the video, Tridev shared the three ingredients required to achieve the desired workout goals – “Patience, consistency and self-belief are 3 key ingredients to being a rockstar and smashing every workout you set your mind to. Well done Shweta Tripathi,” read his caption. take a look:
The workout routine performed by Shweta comes with multiple health benefits. Pushups help in targeting a range of muscles throughout the body. It also helps in boosting core stability and overall upper body strength. Single Leg Jumps, on the other hand, help in building explosive strength and improving balance of the ankles, knees and hips.
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